Saturday 14 July 2018

Visual Text Analysis Assignment about Visual Elements, PACC & Message : Dayna (4)

Visual: The tree in the middle is missing half of its leaves and about half of the tree is dried to show that the poster has something about the depleting number of trees on the earth. The tree can also be depicted as the trees are dying or how incomplete the earth will be without trees. 

Textual: The text "Don't cut the cure" tells us that when we cut trees, we may be cutting a tree that can be used as a cure for illnesses or cancer. The text "Plant one" is capitalised and have a different font colour to catch the viewer's attention and urges all to help and plant trees instead of cutting them down, a command. The text below the tree asks people to donate to the organization to save the trees as they might have the cure for illnesses and the statistics show that the forests are dying out and needs everyone's help to stop that from happening. The text below the heading explains the importance of the forests and how they can help for medical discoveries and backs up this claim by saying "Currently,121 prescription drugs sold worldwide come from plant-derived sources." , which are found in forests.

Typography: The headings are all capitalised and big to catch the reader's attention and inform readers of the content of the poster. The test "Plant one" is the biggest to tell people there is a solution to this problem and makes it clear so that people can try to play their part for this cause.

Layout: The tree is placed right in the middle of a white background to create emphasis on the tree to catch people's attention. The headings are placed at the top as people usually read from top to bottom. The rest of the text is placed in neat boxes in alignment to make the poster look neat and easy to read.

Purpose: To raise awareness about the importance of forests and that we must stop deforestation which may contain the cure for cancer and illnesses which everyone wants so that their loved ones will be able to be cured should they be suffering from any illness.

Audience: The general public, people who use products that require trees to be cut down and encourage them to reduce their usage to reduce deforestation.

Context: The number of forests is depleting and we need to stop deforestation and plant back the trees being cut down as those forests may contain the cure for illnesses which may save many lives.

Culture: People may only think deforestation only affects the environment but this poster shows that deforestations also have other effects like cutting down the trees may remove the cure for people for are suffering from a certain illness. If the cure can be found in these forests, many lives can be saved.

Message: Deforestation may stop us from discovering a cure for illnesses which can save many lives. We must save these forests and stop deforestation. We should also plant back these trees instead of cutting more of them down.

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