Independent Learning Log

You are to set aside 30 minutes each session for independent learning to improve your reading skills and gain general knowledge. You may visit online learning sites for reading, vocabulary, and listening practice or use any print resources.

Label your entry with the week # (e.g.T1W2) and your initial (ABC), and Independent Learning Log (ILL)

What I did: 
What I learned: 

Sample #1: 

10:30am - 11:30am


What I did:
I decided to read up on some recent news on the topics I am interested in. I went to BBC and read up on this article about regeneration (recreating organs) and wanted to do a summary of the sixth paragraph to ninth paragraph of the article. I also want to learn some new words in the article.

What I learned:

Words I do not understand:

debilitating - make (someone) weak and infirm
bespoke -  suggest; be evidence of 
scaffold - a raised wooden platform used formerly for the public execution of criminals.


There are four levels of complexity when recreating different organs. The first level is flat organs like skin, which comprise just a few types of cells. The second level comprises of tubes, for example windpipes and blood vessels, which has a slightly more complex shapes and more varied collections of cells. The third level includes hollow sac-like organs, like the bladder or stomach. These organs have to perform secreting, expanding or filtering as the situation arises which is more difficult to replicate. The fourth and last level poses the greatest challenge: solid organs like the kidneys, heart, lungs and liver which are thicker than most of the others, and each has a complicated structure, with many different types of cells and an extensive network of blood vessels to provide them with oxygen and nutrients. It is also tough to recreate as they are extremely detailed and a microscopic scale is need.

Sample #2

T1W3 27/1/13 7pm

Vocabulary books

What I did:
I wanted to continue increasing my vocabulary list, so I 
1. Studied an article 'The Experts' which is an article featuring different doctors, or specialists
2. Learnt some similes relating to animals

What I learned:
1. Based on the article, I was able to identify common terms that I was not able to back then. Here is a list of some of the 'expert' names read up on. (some of them are really tough to pronounce!)
- Nephrologist
- specializes in the brach of medicine that deals with functions and disorders of the kidneys
- Pulmonologist
- specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disorders
- Gastroenterologist
- specializes in the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines and associated organs. 
- Ophthalmologist
- specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases
- Endocrinologist
- specializes in the diagnosis and treatment affecting the glands and hormones in the body

Now, I know which doctor to seek when I'm in need of certain medical help. 

2. Similes are not new to us so I picked out those that were less common such as:
- as thoughtless as a lark
- as quarrelsome as a weasel
- as garrulous/ talkative as a magpie
- as industrious as an ant
- as tenacious as bulldogs
- as docile as a lamb

Sample #3:

25 January 2012

For this weeks independent learning log, I wanted to focus on grammer as I think my grammer is relatively weak and this leads to three or four of such mistakes in my composition. To me, this is something that needs to be addressed quickly. 


What I did: I went to the site above and did some grammar practices.

I did all the test shown in the photo above.

Although the test may be easy, my grammar is really horrible and most of the time I would get one or two mistakes.

What I Learned: I learned different types of grammar and corrected some of the misunderstanding I had. In the past, I always used my gut feeling to decide whether it was correct or not. That worked out well in the past as three or four mistakes in my composition was acceptable. However, now that I am older, it is no longer acceptable and it is time to correct it. Thus I did these test.

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