Tuesday 17 July 2018

Visual Text Analysis Assignment about Visual Elements, PACC and Message- Jonathan Chua(13)

Image result for posters

Visual: The posters shows half a turtle that is alive while the other part of the body is dead and is showing the skeleton that is left. This shows that some turtles in the world are actually dead because of what mankind had done in order to make turtle products.

Text: The poster has a text which encourages us to stop hunting down turtles and preserve them.

Typography: The text has a very big word "STOP" which attracts the attention of people in order to persuade them to stop doing such acts on turtles.

Layout: The text starts from the top (the picture) to the bottom (the text).

Purpose: To ask readers to stop the act of hunting and killing turtles.

Audience: The general public and especially the people who are killing turtles.

Context: Many people in the world are killing turtles in order to make turtle products. In order to stop such activities, thus this poster was created.

Culture: Some people feel that we should not be doing this but they are not doing anything.

Message: To encourage more people to stop doing such acts and to preserve turtles`.

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